Foto: Anne Kolstad Morken frå Jubileumskonserten i Grieghallen, hausten 2022
Manger Musikklag er stolte og glade for at Allan Withington kjem att som kunstnarleg leiar dei neste åra. Allan har i mange år vore ein viktig person for MML. Han har dirigert til WMC- og NM-siger, gjort fleire CD-innspelingar, vore solist med laget og ikkje minst gjort fleire store prosjekt som «No. 5», ei biografisk teaterførestelling om det franske ikonet Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel , som vart framført under Festspillene i Bergen i 2018. Allan har også vore viktig for utviklinga av profilen til korpset som eit av dei mest nyskapande og framtidsretta brassbanda i korpsrørsla. Me gler oss til å få han att på laget.
Styreleiar i Manger Musikklag, Nils-Arne Træland, seier følgjande; Allan har vore sterkt knytt til MML i fleire tiår. Han leia MML under Noregsmeisterskapa frå 1999-2003, og tok laget heilt til toppen i elitedivisjonen i 2002. Det kjennes veldig godt å få Allan med på laget som vår sjefsdirigent dei neste åra. Me har felles mål om igjen å vinne titlar og arbeidet mot desse måla har allereie starta. Om å returnere til MML seier Allan dette: "Certainly, a very conscious decision on my part. My association with Manger Musikklag goes back to the early 1990’s. I would imagine before many of today’s members were born. Since that time, I have appeared regularly in front of the band.
In accepting the present offer received from MML, I have also taken on responsibility, working together with the board and musicians, for MML's artistic profile and musical development. Helping to continue the fantastic work done by previous conductors and create a team where the pursuit of excellence is nr. 1.
This is a challenge I very much look forward to.
Doing everything in our power to win both Siddis Brass and NM in the same season comes also at the top of my list, thus giving ourselves a chance to compete at the European Championships again, whilst improving our world ranking to be securely included in the World`s top ten. All this, whilst teaching and retaining an absolute respect for the most important ingredient, music."
Foto: Anne Kolstad Morken, frå Jubileumskonserten i Grieghallen, hausten 2022
ENGLISH: Allan Withington returns to Manger Musikklag! Manger Musikklag are proud to confirm that Allan Withington will return to the band as our new artistic director for the coming years. Allan has been a person of importance in MML’s history for many years. He has appeared as a soloist with the band, conducted multiple CD-recordings, directed the band to victories in the World Music Contest (WMC) and the Norwegian national championships in addition to orchestrating many important projects such as «No. 5», which celebrated the life of Coco Chanel, and was performed at the Bergen Festival in 2018. Allan has also been very influencial in working towards the profile Manger have developed as being one of the most innovative and forward-looking ensembles in the brass band scene. We are really looking forward to having him as part of the team again!
The chairman of the band, Nils-Arne Træland, commented; Allan has had a strong relationship with MML over multiple decades. He led the band in the Norwegian championships from 1999-2003, securing success for the band in 2002. It feels very good to have Allan back with us as our professional conductor for the coming years. We have a common goal to win titles again, and the work towards this has already started!
About his return to MML, Allan says: "Certainly, a very conscious decision on my part. My association with Manger Musikklag goes back to the early 1990’s.
I would imagine before many of today’s members were born. Since that time, I have appeared regularly in front of the band.
In accepting the present offer received from MML, I have also taken on responsibility, working together with the board and musicians, for MML's artistic profile and musical development. Helping to continue the fantastic work done by previous conductors and create a team where the pursuit of excellence is nr. 1. This is a challenge I very much look forward to.
Doing everything in our power to win both Siddis Brass and NM in the same season comes also at the top of my list, thus giving ourselves a chance to compete at the European Championships again, whilst improving our world ranking to be securely included in the World`s top ten. All this, whilst teaching and retaining an absolute respect for the most important ingredient, music."